Fact or Fiction? Our skin gurus debunk your skin myths

Whether you read them in a magazine as a teenager, saw them mentioned in the supermarket skincare aisle or were told it by your mum (who was told by her mum and so on), we’ve all got a skincare rule we never break. The thing is, is it actually true or are you depriving your skin of some skincare goodness without even realising?
Today, we’re diving deep into some of the most common skin health misconceptions to set the facts apart from the fiction.
I don’t need sun protection when it’s cloudy outside
This couldn’t be further from the truth! The weather outside does not influence the impact UV rays has on our skin because they’re not controlled by temperature and the clouds don’t block them! That’s why regardless of whether it’s raining, cloudy or sunny outside, your daily skincare routine should always finish with SPF.
Applying a SPF product as part of your AM skincare routine protects you from harmful UV rays. A broad-spectrum product will tackle both UVA (think A for accelerated ageing) and UVB (think B for burning) if applied correctly and reapplied throughout the day.
Oily skin types shouldn’t use face oils
We know it sounds counterproductive but hear us out for a moment. A high-quality face oil could be what your oily skin needs to feel nourished and replenished.
The luxurious oils in your favourite face oil are vastly different to the oil produced by your skin. An oily skin type is often deeply lacking hydration which causes the skin to overcompensate with oil instead.
By choosing a face oil that is rich in essential fatty acids such as rosehip, hemp seed, grapeseed or evening primrose, you’re able to not only replenish your skin but deliver the hydration it is so thirsty for. Harnessing high-performing ingredients to boost hydration can slow down your excess oil production and actually bring some balance back to your complexion!
I can shrink my pores
We hate to break it to you, but your pores cannot shrink, open or close. This is a common misconception in the world of skincare but fortunately, what we can do is make them less noticeable. Phew.
Large pores after often the cause of congestion and clogging. Whether that be from an oily skin type, blackheads, whiteheads, breakouts or lack of a proper skincare routine, congestion in the pores causes them to stretch and appear more noticeable than others.
To reduce the appearance of pores, you’re going to want to get familiar with salicylic acid. This chemical exfoliant is the hero of unclogging pores as it not only addresses surface concerns but is thin enough to work its way down into the follicle and address the root cause of any congestion. Pushing out the dead skin, sebum and bacteria, salicylic acid supports clearer and smoother skin, including minimising noticeable pores.
Scrubbing is the only way to exfoliate my face
There are not many things more satisfying than a good face scrub, right? Whilst a natural, physical scrub is a classic way to exfoliate your face, it isn’t the only option.
For skin that experiences sensitivity, redness or inflammation, a chemical exfoliant may be the knight in skincare armour you’ve been looking for. Commonly acid or enzyme-based, chemical exfoliants aren’t as scary as they might sound. Infact, they can be incredibly gentle for these reactive skin types!
A chemical exfoliant achieves the same outcome as your physical exfoliant – dead skin cell removal and a smoother, brighter canvas to work with. How they get to the finish line is a little different.
Unlike physical exfoliants, a chemical exfoliant doesn’t require any scrubbing to loosen dead skin cells and debris. It works on the surface of the skin to exfoliate and smooth but also deeper within the skin’s layers to dissolve what’s keeping these skin cells intact. This is why chemical exfoliants can often provide longer term benefits than a physical scrub. They’re the gift that keep on giving!
Chocolate causes breakouts
At some stage of our teenage lives, we were all told to cut the chocolate for clearer skin, right? We’re here to shout out a big hallelujah because chocolate is not a cause of acne!
We know that consuming an excess of sugar, dairy and fats can contribute to some of our most common skin concerns, but chocolate isn’t the sole culprit to blame. These diets can boost our hormonal triggers and sebum production so of course, it’s all still about balance.
When reaching for the chocolate treat, choose a dark chocolate over sugar-rich milk and white chocolate. Many high-quality dark chocolates are rich in antioxidants which are the gold standard in skin protection and rejuvenation. Powerhouses at protecting our skin against free radical damage, cocoa is loaded with antioxidants that not only support preventative ageing, but they taste delicious too!