Wrinkles Schminkles

Don't you just dread waking in the morning to a barrage of lines on your decolletage! Sleeping on your side is just oh so comfy but we are not a fan of those pesky lines that can form overnight from side sleeping on the decolletage. This where Wrinkles Schminkles comes in. The Wrinkles Schminkles Chest and Decolletage Smoothing Kit will keep your chest looking oh so smooth and wrinkle free! Apply to a cream free chest before you go to sleep and let Wrinkles Schminkles do the magic over night all whist you are sleeping. Remove the Wrinkles Schminkles pad in the morning, reuse up to 20-30 times per silicone pad.

Lips, jowls and mouth wrinkles can also be targeted with the Wrinkles Schminkles Mouth Smoothing Kit. Feel like you are using those eye muscles whilst you are sleeping? Never fear Wrinkles Schminkles has you covered with the eye smoothing kit. Sleeping on your side can accentuate crows feet and lines around the eye area. Let your eye muscles relax, rejuvenate and chill whilst you sleep and let the magic happen. Wake to a refreshed eye area, ready to tackle the day. Buy 10 Wrinkles Schminkles packs and save!

Glow Getters Corner @skinmatrix

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